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When Words Collide: 2001

The New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA) is pleased to announce its third annual symposium on the use of science fiction literature as a dynamic teaching tool for developing critical thinking, science knowledge/appreciation, and language arts skills for students in grades 4 through 12.

These teacher workshops are open to science and language arts teachers and librarians (and other interested educators). Two "strands" of workshop will be offered: one aimed at grades 4-8; the other at grades 9-12. Workshops will feature panel discussions and presentations by professionals in education, science, and science fiction writing.

"When Words Collide 3" was held on Friday, February 16, 2001, at the Sheraton Tara Hotel, Framingham, Massachusetts, from 9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Boskone 38, NESFA's annual regional science fiction convention, begins at 5 p.m. that Friday and runs through Sunday afternoon. (Symposium attendees may join Boskone 38 at a special rate.) Boskone 38's Guest of Honor, award-winning author George R.R. Martin, will join other authors, scientists, and educators on workshop panels. Dan Kimmel, professional Boston-area media critic, will present the keynote address at the workshop buffet luncheon (which is included in the conference registration price).

"When Words Collide 3" is one part of the Monty Wells Project, the New England Science Fiction Association's ongoing efforts to educate and interest people in the synergy between science fact and science fiction. The Monty Wells Project is named for one of our members, a high school chemistry teacher (and amateur auto racer), whose love of education inspired his students and his friends. "When Words Collide 3" is the third program which NESFA has produced under the auspices of the Monty Wells Project. Plans for future programs include the creation of curriculum guides for teaching science, language arts and critical thinking skills through science fiction, editing and publication of text books, and additional symposia and workshops.

Registration is $50, which includes luncheon, six (6) professional development points, curriculum materials and books. NESFA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) literary corporation whose mandate and mission includes education.

Here is our registration form and the conference flyer as pdf files and the tentative schedule for the conference. For additional information about the seminar, please send us email at, phone 617-573-8504, or drop us a note at: Monty Wells Project, NESFA, P.O. Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701.

When Words Collide: The Monty Wells Project is presented by NESFA. See the main page, the schedule for 2001, and the staff for 2001.