Buying a Membership

You can buy memberships online anytime; be sure to print a receipt and bring it with you to Registration.

You must have a valid, current student photo ID to buy a student membership.

Not sure if you're already a member? Check our Boskone Membership Search Page.

Kids Memberships

The cost of DragonsLair is included in the con membership, so all children (ages 7-12) who use these services must be convention members. However, children under 10 who stay with their parents at all times are considered "kids-in-tow" who need not have memberships. ("Kids-in-tow" do not receive any convention materials.)

We are not able to offer babysitting through the convention.

Transferring Memberships

Boskone does not refund memberships. However, you may transfer your membership to someone else. All membership transfers must be done in writing. Your transferee will be able to register much more quickly at the convention if you write to us in advance (to the PO Box) to let us know of the transfer and have your transferee bring a copy of your transfer letter to Registration. Please note life memberships are not transferable.

Registering at the Convention

The rates for Registration after 1/17 and through Boskone 49 will be:

If you plan to participate in the Sunday Magic Tournament, see the Tournament page for information on combining a Boskone membership with a Magic Tournament entry fee.

Registration will open Friday on the second floor of the hotel. Take the up escalator that's near City Bar and M. J. O'Connor's Pub. Everyone (attendees, staff, program participants, artists, hucksters) must pick up their badges and convention materials here.


Don't forget to bring a government-issued or school-issued photo-ID, such as a driver's license, with you to pick up your badge.