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The Shame of Maudie Jones, or a Fate Worse Than Death

libretto by Esther M. Friesner

Originally written and for a Denver dinner theatre and produced first there

Dinner theatre, Boskone 29, 15 February 1992, Sheraton Tara, Springfield

 A real old-fashioned moral “meller-drama”

Dramatis Personae
Maudie Jones Esther M. Friesner
Roger McBride Allen
experience female    Jane Yolen
Henchman Joe Mayhew
 a naif Bruce Coville
Walter Stutzman
Annie Stutzman
Michael Stutzman
Mary Frey
floozy Ann Broomhead
Nancy Hanger
Elric Hanger
James Sheridan
David Honigsberg
Alexandra Honigsberg
Andrew Phillip
Signs made by Chip Hitchcock, Merle Insinga