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What is NESFA?

NESFA, the New England Science Fiction Association, was founded in 1967 by fans who wanted to do things in addition to socializing. What we do has changed over time, most notably with the growth of NESFA Press, but the club is still organized on that principle. NESFA has nearly 400 members, mostly Subscribing members from all over the world. Anyone who’s interested can join as a Subscribing member (dues are $20 per year); members who demonstrate a willingness to work are often invited to a more responsible class of membership.

In most months NESFA holds two formal meetings on two Sunday afternoons, one mostly for conducting business and the other mostly for socializing; many of the 30 or so active members also gather at our clubhouse nearly every Wednesday evening for work and socializing.

NESFA is one of the oldest SF clubs in the northeastern U.S., and has been a registered non-profit literary organization (under IRS section 501(c)(3)) since shortly after its founding.

An intro to many parts of NESFA is available in a How to Get Around NESFA document .

Please see the links below for more information, or email