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Hardcover (Trade)

Published May 1978
Hardcover (Trade) price: $30.00
Weight: 4.4

ISBN-13: 978-1-61037-343-2
ISBN-10: 1-61037-343-X
Page count: 614
Book Size: 8-5/8"x11-1/16"

Warhoon 28

This text relates to the 1st edition • Hardcover (Trade)

by Walt Willis

This book was published as the 28th issue of Richard Bergeron's fanzine, Warhoon. It was mimeographed, as were all fanzines of the day, then bound in hardcover. It is not a NESFA Press publication, but we're helping it get a much deserved, wider distribution.

Warhoon 28 is a complete collection of the writings of Walt Willis (the editor of fanzines Slant and Hyphen), containing all of Willis's writing (including his columns "The Harp That Once or Twice", "The Harp Stateside", and "Twice Upon A Time"), plus additional writing and art.

It was nominated for the Best Related Work Hugo in 1981.

Edited by Richard Bergeron