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Living in the Future

Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction

by Robert Silverberg
Published January 2024
Originally Published June 2023
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Here Comes Civilization

The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 2

by William Tenn
Published January 2024
Originally Published August 2001
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Volume 1: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published February 2009
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The Road to Amber

Volume 6: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published December 2009
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Nine Black Doves

Volume 5: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published December 2009
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Last Exit to Babylon

Volume 4: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published July 2009
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This Mortal Mountain

Volume 3: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published July 2009
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Power & Light

Volume 2: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny

by Roger Zelazny
Published October 2023
Originally Published February 2009
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From These Ashes

The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown

by Fredric Brown
Published August 2022
Originally Published February 2001
“Arena” is nominated for the 1945 Best Novelette Retro Hugo! “And the Gods Laughed” was nominated for the 1945 Best … Purchase Ebook (epub) ($9.95)

Martians and Madness

The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown

by Fredric Brown
Published February 2022
Originally Published September 2002
Martians and Madness contains the complete science fiction and fantasy novels of Fredric Brown as well as, “Gateway to Darkness,” … Purchase Ebook (epub) ($9.95) Purchase Hardcover (Trade) ($29.00)

The Halcyon Fairy Book

by T. Kingfisher
Published December 2021
Originally Published January 2017
The Halcyon Fairy Book is a delightful collection of wry and insightful comments on traditional fairy tales, originally presented in her … Purchase Ebook (mobi) ($9.95) Purchase Ebook (epub) ($9.95) Purchase Hardcover (Trade) ($30.00)


The Other Stories of Zenna Henderson

by Zenna Henderson
Published April 2020
Originally Published February 2020
Zenna Henderson is best known for her stories of The People, published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction … Purchase Ebook (mobi) ($9.95) Purchase Ebook (epub) ($9.95) Purchase Hardcover (Trade) ($32.00)


The Complete People Stories

by Zenna Henderson
Published April 2019
Originally Published March 1995
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The Immortal Storm

A History of Science Fiction Fandom

by Sam Moskowitz
Published January 2019
Originally Published May 1954
Purchase Ebook (epub) ($6.95)