NESFA is pleased to announce a deep discount on selected NESFA Press physical books for the holidays.
The following physical books will be discounted 50% using the discount code “holiday24” when purchased from nesfapress.org. The discount is good through January 15, 2025. A description of the books follows the list.
- Living in the Future (Robert Silverberg)
- 24 Frames into the Future (John Scalzi)
- Conspiracy! (edited by Judith K. Dial & Thomas A. Easton)
- Grimm Future (edited by Erin Underwood)
- Rivets!!! (Mark M. Keller & Sue Anderson)
- One Right Thing (Bruce Coville)
- Armor of Light (Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnett)
- Expecting Beowulf (Tom Holt)
- Giant Lizards From Another Star (Ken MacLeod)
- Double Feature (Emma Bull & Will Shetterly)
- Spaced Out (Judith Merrill & Cyril M. Kornbluth)
- The Great SF Stories 1964 (edited by Robert Silverberg and Martin H. Greenberg)
- Doc: First Galactic Roamer (Stephen C. Lucchetti)
Descriptions follow:
Living in the Future is a new collection of essays, articles, and interviews by Robert Silverberg published by the NESFA Press.
Living in the Future is a collection of articles from SF Grandmaster Robert Silverberg, containing his observations on Science Fiction, what it’s like to be living in the future, and an amazing profusion of other topics of interest to him over his long and successful writing career. Here, you can find essays and interviews conducted over the course of Bob’s tenure as one of the most influential SF writers of the twentieth century.
Drawn from book introductions, speeches, story reviews, interviews, and his long-running column in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, articles in this collection touch on a wide range of interests to this polymath writer: ancient and modern history, his fellow writers, developments in science, reflections on the science fiction field itself, and his history, including the events leading to his quitting science fiction in 1975. And his subsequent return to writing in the mid-1980s.
24 Frames into the Future: Scalzi on Science Fiction Film is the 2012 Boskone Book by Guest of Honor John Scalzi. John Scalzi's first job was not actually writing a science fiction novel; rather, he was a film critic for the Fresno Bee. Only years later did he write Old Man's War, his critically acclaimed first novel. In this book, collecting many of his essays on Science Fiction films, you can read Scalzi's thoughts on movies, how they're produced, and how storytelling differs between moviefilm and print. You'll get to read his prognostications about the Oscars and Hugos and what he felt about how the awards actually turned out—not to mention why "show business" is not "show art." Scalzi also has a lot to say about that rarified universe outside SF, and he also puts into perspective the way it has both taken from SF's culture and fashioned it. The full-color dust jacket illustration is by Daniel dos Santos, the Boskone 49 Official Artist, and the dust jacket design is by Alice N. S. Lewis.
We're part of the cover-up!
Did you know that there is a secret government agency dedicated to creating conspiracy theories? It's true! It's on Facebook!
But it's not in this book. Our conspiracy theories are all fiction. At least, that's what we want you to think! Certainly, we did invite fiction writers to weigh in on conspiracy theories. The result includes (of course) the Masons and dragons (David Clements), the Bavarian Illuminati (Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald) and the New World Order Shariann Lewitt). There's also the Shaver Mystery (science writer Jeff Hecht), cell phones and weather control (Rev DiCerto), Atlantis and Lemuria (Paul DiFilippo), Roswell (H. Paul Shuch of SETI fame), mermaids (Cat Rambo and Mike Resnick), ancient immortals who guide our breeding (Steven Popkes), quality management (Allen Steele), and—of all things!—Santa Claus (James Cambias). Not to mention the squirrels (Sarah Smith).
Blending fresh new science fiction with a futuristic dash of magic, The Grimm Future is a unique anthology of reimagined Grimm fairy tales from some of today's most exciting authors—along with the original stories that inspired them. The Grimm Future examines our humanity and what that term might come to mean through the eyes of future generations as society advances into an age when technology consumes nearly every aspect of our lives or has ultimately changed life as we know it. How might these timeless stories evolve? Given the relentless onrush of technology, there is an even greater need for fairy tales and Grimm magic in our future. Read on!
The Rivets musicals were full-scale musical productions presented at Boskones 14, 15, and 16 (1977, 1978, and 1979) in Boston, Massachusetts. The scripts were later published in short-run mimeographed editions. This trade paperback reprints both the text and the original illustrations. Although these plays were written over a quarter century ago, people who attend and/or run conventions will note that very little of the material is out of date.
Table of Contents
- Keller Appreciation (Paul Di Filippo)
- Rampaging Rabid Rivets Redux (Richard Harter)
- Reminiscences (Chip Hitchcock)
- Mik Ado About Nothing or, Back to Rivets (Mark M. Keller & Sue Anderson)
- Rivets Redux (Mark M. Keller & Sue Anderson)
- The Decomposers or, Rivets Has Risen from the Grave (Mark M. Keller & Sue Anderson)
Bruce Coville writes about heroes: big heroes, little heroes, blue heroes, pink heroes, heroic trolls, and heroic humans. And what he teaches us about heroes is fairly simple — that heroes are people who make right choices in hard circumstances. Heroes are those people about whom we think, “That ogre did very good things and made the world a better place to live.”
This book features some of Bruce's more delightful (and improbable) heroes: a stinky princess, a strong-willed unicorn, a magician's struggling apprentice, a boy who kept faith with an angel, a fairy godmother working to keep her wings, and even a headless ghost. The One Right Thing is really about a lot of right things that everyday people (and your average monster or two) do to grow and to help others.
More than anything, this book is also a lot of fun. It is filled with wit and wisdom and laughter and joy and a touch of the eerie. You'll find a dash of glory, a pinch of aliens, and more than a capful of whimsy.
Oh! And don't think that this is "just" a book for the young. This is a book for anyone who wants to lift their wings, spring into the sky, and fly into their own tomorrow.
The Armor of Light is an Elizabethan alternate history in which magic works the way Elizabethan Englishmen thought it should. In this novel, Christopher Marlowe, one of England's greatest poets and playwrights, didn't die in the tavern brawl that killed him in our world because Sir Philip Sidney, one of England's greatest soldiers and courtiers, did not die of the wound he received at Zutphen several years earlier, so he was in the right place at the right time to save Marlowe. Therefore, when Queen Elizabeth's horoscope reveals a terrible danger from a Scottish wizard, Sidney and Marlowe, both students of magic, are available to travel to Scotland and face the danger. Sidney and Marlowe reach the Scottish court, confront both the magical threat and intrigue from all sides (including dangers from their presumed allies), and receive help from unexpected quarters.
Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett, working from a deep knowledge of Elizabethan history, have built a convincingly realistic and lived-in sixteenth-century England and Scotland. It is with great pleasure that The NESFA Press makes this excellent alternate history novel, previously available only in paperback and out of print for several years, available again.
Two of Holt's funniest books, Expecting Someone Taller and Who's Afraid of Beowulf? in a single trade paperback volume. It was released at Boskone 39 in conjunction with Tom Holt's planned appearance there as Featured Filker. Unfortunately, Tom was unable to attend the convention.
Giant Lizards from Another Star is an anthology containing poems, short stories, convention reports, and essays, as well as the novellas "The Human Front" and "Cydonia". It was published in conjunction with Ken MacLeod’s being Guest of Honor at Boskone 43 in 2006.
Double Feature is a collection of thirteen pieces of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by Boskone 31's Guests of Honor, Emma Bull and Will Shetterly. Among the works assembled here are a set of six individually-authored short stories for their own shared world, Liavek, as well as their collaboratively written novelette, "Danceland Blood," which is set in the Borderlands shared world.
Included are three additional works by Emma Bull: "A Bird That Whistles," a touching prequel to her novel War for the Oaks, and two fine essays on the writer's craft: "Why I Write Fantasy" and "Wonders of the Invisible World: How I Came to Write War for the Oaks."
This anthology also contains two additional works by Will Shetterly: "Captured Moments," his first science fiction short story, and "Time Travel, the Artifact, and a Famous Historical Personage," a horror story.
The introduction is by Boskone 31 guests Patrick Nielsen Hayden, a professional editor, and Teresa Nielsen Hayden, the author of Making Book. The book also contains brief biographies of Emma Bull and Will Shetterly, including a list of their published work.
A hardcover collection of Judith Merril novels, including those co-authored with C. M. Kornbluth (as by Cyril Judd)
Table of Contents
- Shadow on the Hearth
- Outpost Mars (aka Mars Child) with C. M. Kornbluth as by Cyril Judd
- Gunner Cade with C. M. Kornbluth as by Cyril Judd
Stories selected by Robert Silverberg and Martin H. Greenberg
Table of Contents
- Foreword — Robert Silverberg
- Introduction — Robert Silverberg
- Norman Spinrad, "Outward Bound"
- Jack Vance, "The Kragen"
- Poul Anderson, "The Master Key"
- Cordwainer Smith, "The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal"
- Roger Zelazny, "The Graveyard Heart"
- Leigh Brackett, "Purple Priestess of the Mad Moon"
- John Brunner, "The Last Lonely Man"
- Gordon R. Dickson, "Soldier, Ask Not"
- Wyman Guin, "A Man of the Renaissance"
- Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Dowry of Angyar"
- Fritz Leiber, "When the Change-Winds Blow"
- Frederik Pohl, "The Fiend"
- Fred Saberhagen, "The Life Hater"
- Robert Silverberg, "Neighbor"
- Norman Kagan, "Four Brands of Impossible"
This is the most complete bibliography of E. E. Smith's writings and secondary sources writing about him.
Table of Contents
- Preface: Ode to a Skylark – Frederik Pohl
- Foreword
- Bio-Bibliographical Timeline
- First Printings – Articles, Books, Letters
- Manuscript Collections
- Books – Complete Publishing Checklist
- Magazine Stories & Articles
- Secondary Source Materials
- Lensman Universe
- Anime
- Biographical Information
- Book Reviews
- Miscellaneous
- Magazine Entries by Magazine Title
- Chronological List of all Publications